
Helen Frances PARR
16/11/1934 – 30/8/2024. Beloved wife of the late Colin, beautiful Mum and mother-in-law of Roger and Vanessa, Nicola and Nigel, Deb and Kim, Nigel and Sue, treasured grandmother of Michael and Cori, Richard and Jenn, Simon and April, Elsie, Kitty, Connor, and Harrison, adoring great-grandmother to Sam, Emma, Lucy, Stevie, and Frankie, dear friend to many. Helen will be missed for her enormous heart, generosity, and kindness to all. Our appreciation to the staff at BUPA Parklands for their care and professionalism. Messages may be addressed to: The family of the late Helen Parr, c/- PO Box 39001, Christchurch 8545. The farewell for Helen will take place in Ellesmere Cooperating Parish, Trinity Church, corner Hororata Dunsandel and Highfield Roads, Dunsandel, on September 13, at 2.00pm.