Patrick “Pat” Kennedy CLAYTON
On July 27, 2024, passed away peacefully, surrounded by the love of his family, aged 71 years. Beloved husband and best friend of Jane, dearly loved and adored father and father-in-law of Elliot and Holly, and Bryar, and a much loved member of the wider Clayton and Clarke families. Special thanks to the Nurse Maude Palliative team, the Holly Lea Care Centre staff, and Dr Annie Chen-Green for their support and care of Pat and his family. Messages may be addressed to: The family of the late Patrick Clayton, c/- PO Box 39001, Christchurch 8545. In lieu of flowers, donations to Gillies McIndoe Research Institute would be appreciated, and may be made online at A service to celebrate Pat’s life will be held in our Westpark Chapel, 467 Wairakei Road, Burnside, on Saturday, August 3, at 10.00am, followed by private interment.