
<< Obituaries

David 'Herbie' HERBER


Suddenly, on January 3, 2025, aged 61 years. Loving husband and father of Jan, and Ella, brother and brother-in-law of Ian and Sheree, Deanne, Christine,  Clark, and Kim, son-in-law of Bunty.


‘His innings may be over, but the melody of his life continues’


In lieu of flowers, donations to Papanui RSA would be appreciated, and may be made to bank account: Poppy Trust 02-0800-0088274-02. Messages may be addressed to: The family of the late David Herber, c/- PO Box 39001, Christchurch 8545. A celebration of Herbie’s life will be held in the Papanui RSA, 1 Harewood Road, Papanui, on Friday, January 10, at 2.00pm.