Murray (JP) Leslie FLETCHER
Wai-mana Chapel
On Sunday, March 26, 2023, at Charles Upham Retirement Village in Rangiora, aged 58 years. Loved youngest son of Betty and Kevin Fletcher (both deceased), and loved younger brother and brother-in-law of Judith and Marty, Brian and Maree. He will be missed by his wider family and the many friends he made along the way. Now at peace after a long illness. Messages may be addressed to The Family of the late Murray Fletcher, c/- PO Box 39001 Christchurch 8545. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Cancer Society would be appreciated and may be made directly online at A Memorial Service for Murray will be held in our Rangiora Chapel, Wai-mana, 92 Kippenberger Avenue, Rangiora, on Thursday March 30, at 2.30pm