
Norman “Norm, Normie, Butch” Gordon WILKES
Wai-mana Chapel
On May 22, 2024, passed away peacefully at Nurse Maude Hospice with Di by his side, in his 80th year. Dearly loved husband and best friend of Di for 54 years, and much loved father of Jenny. Special thanks to all the staff at Nurse Maude Hospice for the wonderful care of Norm and Di. Messages may be addressed to: The family of the late Norm Wilkes, c/- PO Box 39001, Christchurch 8545. In lieu of flowers, donations to Nurse Maude Hospice would be appreciated and may be made at the service. A service to celebrate Norm’s life will be held in our Rangiora Chapel, Wai-mana, 92 Kippenberger Avenue, Rangiora, on Wednesday May 29, at 2.30pm, followed by a private cremation.