Shirley Marcia LUCAS
On February 20, 2024, passed away peacefully at Anthony Wilding Retirement Village, aged 76 years. She leaves behind her beloved husband and life partner Terry. Much loved Mother and Mother-in-law of Nigel and Sarah, and Craig and Delwyn, and grandsons Jacob, Alex and William, and much-loved pet Heidi. Special thanks to all the staff at Anthony Wilding for their dedicated care and support. Messages may be addressed to The Family of the late Shirley Lucas, c/- PO Box 39001, Christchurch 8545. Donations to the Cancer Society would be gratefully appreciated and may be made online at A Service to celebrate Shirley’s life will be held in Lincoln Union Church, 20 James Street, Lincoln, on Saturday, February 24, at 2.00pm, followed by a private cremation.