
Susan Kay NORRIS
On January 24, 2024, aged 46 years, passed away with family at her side. Cherished daughter of Kay and Robert, loved sister and sister-in-law of Rachel and Mike Hohaia, and a much loved granddaughter, niece and cousin. Sincere thanks to the staff of the Laura Ferguson Brain Injury Trust, and to the Urology Unit at Christchurch Hospital for their care of Susan. Messages may be addressed to The Family of the late Susan Norris, c/- PO Box 39001, Christchurch 8545. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Laura Ferguson Brain Injury Trust in memory of Susan would be appreciated and may be made directly online at A Celebration of Susan’s life will be held in our Rangiora Chapel, Wai-mana, 92 Kippenberger Avenue, Rangiora, on Tuesday, January 30, at 2.30pm, private cremation thereafter.